Top 10 Health Trends in Australia in 2021 and Beyond

Are you curious to find out what the latest health trends Down Under are?

Or perhaps you’ve decided to focus on your wellbeing in 2021 and are looking for inspiration to guide you through this new adventure? 

Well, you’re not alone!

Indeed, while COVID-19 has affected billions of lives in many ways, it has also renewed Australian consumers’ interest in nutrition, health, and overall wellness. 

In fact, 80% of Australians report that wellness is now more important than ever to them. And with 32% of Aussies stating that they are feeling stressed or extremely stressed, the spotlight is no longer just on physical wellness. 

Now, you might have guessed it; the key to wellness in 2021 is holistic health!

That’s because, after a long and difficult 2020, Australians are aware that their overall health is a holistic affair. And as a result, they’re consciously looking after their mental and emotional wellbeing too. 

Got you intrigued?


In this post, we’ve highlighted for you some of the biggest health and wellness trends in Australia. You’re welcome 😉

Foods Supporting the Immune System are in High Demand

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the importance of a healthy immune system to protect us against viruses.  

So naturally, consumers have been educating themselves on how to boost and strengthen their immune system through their diet. That’s because certain foods such as garlic, ginger, or spinach contain ingredients with antioxidant properties that can help boost the immune system.

Indeed, a recent study has revealed rising demand for food with specific functional benefits such as strengthening the immune system across Asia-Pacific, including Australia. Besides, another study showed that 60% of consumers are looking for food options that can help support their immune system.

And because 80% of immunity cells are located in our guts, Australian consumers are also turning to foods that support gut health, like probiotics. So, probiotic-packed foods such as yogurts, kombucha, or kefir are now high on Australians’ shopping lists.

Functional Ingredients Impacting Mental Health are More Important

As mentioned in the introduction, Australian consumers are adopting a more holistic approach to health. As a result, they’re now increasingly seeking formulations that reinforce both physical and emotional wellbeing. 

For instance, studies show that a diet high in vegetables, fruit, and fish can reduce the risk of depression. As for nuts, they’re an excellent food group to consume for a good night’s sleep.

And while the pandemic has boosted consumers’ interest in functional foods that support stress management, improve mental health and promote better sleep, the trend was already here. 

Indeed, over the last few years, the need to slow down has been exacerbated by the rise in stress-related conditions in a productivity-driven society. 

So with the devastating consequences of the pandemic on consumers’ mental health, more and more food and drink formulations are now naturally designed to provide solutions for mental and emotional wellbeing, creating a new foundation for healthy eating.

The recent increase in local product launches promoting stress management, relaxation, and sleep aid confirms this trend. Some of these products include Twinings Sleep or Rescue Remedy Stress Relief Sugar Pastilles.

And in the future, Australians will most likely continue to seek functional formulations to support their physical and mental wellbeing.

The Rise of Mindful and Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

From the Duncan, DASH, and Atkins diets to the 1200-calorie diet, the last few years have seen the number of diet options multiply. And some of them have taken the world by storm via social media. Now, we don’t know about you, but some of these diets, like the baby food diet, have got us all confused!

Well, the great news is that in 2021, consumers are becoming more interested in taking a no-diet approach by favoring mindful and intuitive eating over fad diets. Indeed, they no longer want to cut entire food groups through restrictive diets. Instead, Australians are getting back in touch with their body signals.

Not sure what this means? Let us explain!

Intuitive eating is an approach to nutrition that encourages you to listen to your body signals to guide your eating behaviour. The idea is pretty simple. You’re simply supposed to eat what you feel like eating, whenever you feel hungry, and stop when you’re full. In fact, intuitive eating is the opposite of a diet where you follow food rules and adopt restrictive eating habits. However, while intuitive eating allows the consumption of all foods, it doesn’t promote a poor diet. In other words, intuitive eating hasn’t been designed so that you can eat ice cream for dinner every day but more so that you can enjoy it every once in a while;) Yes, moderation is key here!

And intuitive eating is resonating with Australian consumers as they are now increasingly focusing on body hunger signals to adapt their eating habits. Many no longer eliminate demonised food groups from their diet as a whole (yes, carbohydrates, we’re talking about you). Instead, they pay more attention to the impact of certain nutrients on their body and mind. 

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is also on the rise in Australia. This approach is all about taking your time while you eat and enjoying what you’re eating. 

This form of meditative eating allows you to:

–  Stay in the present

–  Take a break

–  Enjoy a whole new sensory experience

–  Better manage your weight

In fact, Australian scientists have discovered that it takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full. So, when eating mindlessly, you’re most likely to eat a lot more than with mindful eating! 

As Australians are trying to adopt a more holistic approach to their health, they’re increasingly harnessing techniques, such as mindful eating, that allow them to slow down and alleviate daily stress.

Plant-based Alternatives Continue to Grow

Did you know that Australia was the third fastest-growing vegan market in the world?! 

Indeed, plant-based diets high in vegetables, legumes, grains, and fruit have gained popularity Down Under over the last few years. This success stems from a growing awareness of the environmental and health impacts of mass animal consumption. Of course, it’s also due to animal welfare concerns. 

And the trend is here to stay! As a matter of fact, in 2021, the number of Australian consumers embracing the trend continues the rise. According to a recent study, 10% of Aussie consumers are vegan, and 20% of consumers have already embraced flexitarian eating, significantly reducing their meat intake. 

Besides, in its recent Australians’ Eating Habits and Food Trends for 2021 report, Deliveroo revealed that 43% of Australians are now actively seeking to replace some meat dishes with plant-based options. What’s more, 49% plan to incorporate dairy-free alternatives such as almond milk into their diet this year. 

So, take note! Veggies are no longer served on the side as more sophisticated plant-based menu options place vegetables at the center of the plate, and local supermarkets, restaurants, and even major burger chains are offering more and more plant-based alternatives to consumers.

Better Sleep for Better Health

Did you know that sleep deprivation could make you sick?

In the same way some functional foods can promote a better immune system, so can sleep! 

Indeed, research has shown that sleep is tied with our immune system. This means that people who tend to lack sleep can catch viruses more easily. That’s because sleep is vital to enabling the body to repair and the mind to recharge. 

Now, remember how we told you Australian consumers are educating themselves on strengthening their immune systems? 

Functional foods and sleep are naturally getting all the limelight in 2021!

From sleep affirmations and bedtime workouts to sleep aids, more and more Aussies are looking for ways to get better sleep and boost their immune system.

And Pinterest is spot on when they write, ‘’sleep care is the new self-care and Zzz time is the new me time’’.

Self-Care Becomes a Priority

Self-care is becoming a priority, with consumers consciously caring for their physical and emotional wellbeing.

And one of the biggest trends in the space is radical self-care. Now, radical self-care goes beyond enjoying a bubble bath with a glass of wine or going out with friends to relax. It’s all about acknowledging the importance of your mental health and seeking help and ways to cope when you feel it necessary. 

In 2021, the help comes from:

– Consulting a therapist

– Practicing meditation and mindfulness

– Journaling

Therapy is No Longer a Major Taboo

While one in five Australians had a mental health condition before the pandemic, research revealed that this number rose to a whopping 80% in 2020! Many practitioners even revealed being fully booked for months. And unfortunately, this trend is here to stay. Indeed, experts predict that financial hardship due to the pandemic will impact Australians’ mental health for a long time. 

But the good news is that the concept is no longer as taboo as it used to be. In fact, as many Australians are recognising the need for mental support, seeking professional help is no longer a taboo topic. 

Meditation and Mindfulness Are Increasingly Popular

While many are looking for professional mental support, not all Australians are after clinical help.  

Indeed, many are also taking the time to check in with themselves by practicing meditation and mindfulness. 

In fact, meditation and mindfulness are rapidly becoming part of the new norm Down Under. 

And after a year marred by lockdowns and isolation, Australians are enjoying outdoor meditation more than ever. Health and wellness retreats are even seeing more and more consumers flocking to their establishments, seeking to relax and re-energize, while thousands simply practice on the beach. How amazing! 

After all, nothing represents the Australian way of life better than people doing headstands by the beach, jogging down the road, or surfing at sunrise before jumping on the bus to work!

But, the pandemic coupled and the stress of daily life have accelerated the shift towards a more mindful approach to exercise. They’ve also increased the practice of staying grounded every day through meditation to support overall health and wellbeing. 

Ever heard of breathwork? 

It refers to breathing exercises and techniques that help improve spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. And in 2021, it’s one of the biggest Australian trends in the meditation and mindfulness space! 

Journaling Becomes Part of Aussie’s Daily Routine

As part of the self-care trend, Aussies are also embracing the benefits of daily journaling. 

Research has shown that regularly journaling can help alleviate depression and anxiety and allow you to heal from past traumatic events.

So, it’s no surprise that journaling is on the rise across the board, including in Australia, as people use it as a way to stay grounded, express their stress and frustration, and heal from difficult experiences.

Switching off with Mini Digital Detoxes 

With the whirlwind of negative news across the world over the last few years, there’s a growing interest in switching off from the media. 

Now, we don’t mean living off the grid for weeks and foraging your own food! 

And we don’t mean staying at a wellness retreat for weeks and leaving your phone at the door either. After all, this is unrealistic for many of us!

Rather, the latest trend is to take smaller breaks from digital devices, apps, and social media. 

A mini digital detox can include:

  • Deleting an app for a couple of days
  • Switching off social media in the evenings
  • Going for a long walk without any phones or electronic devices 

This can help you be more present in the moment. It can also allow your mind to recharge and alleviate stress and anxiety caused by negative news and information overload.

We’ve highlighted below two of the most popular destinations in Australia for mini digital detoxes:

  • Kakadu National Park: visitors can only catch a signal in Jabiru, Cooinda Lodge Kakadu, and Bowali Visitor Centre. This makes the stunning park the ideal spot for a mini digital detox!
  • Hinchinbrook Island: this pristine island offers designated mobile coverage spots to visitors, turning it into a favourite for people who want to switch off.

Australian hotels such as the QT Hotels are also harnessing the trend by offering ‘’power down’ packages. Visitors who opt for this package are asked to hand their phones over for 12 hours.

A Final Word

Another health trend to watch in 2021 includes virtual fitness, with 47% of Australians continuing to choose virtual fitness options at least once a week. Lastly, Aussies are increasingly using wearable medical devices to achieve their overarching health and wellness goals. Indeed, in a more holistic approach to health, wearable devices are now tracking stress in addition to sleep and steps.

This completes the picture for wearables allowing people to track their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing!

We hope this article provided you with useful insights and sheds some light on the latest health trends in Australia.